Resultados: 2

    Managing asthma in adolescents and adults 2020 asthma guideline update From the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program

    JAMA; 324 (22), 2020
    Asthma is a major public health problem worldwide and is associated with excess morbidity, mortality, and economic costs associated with lost productivity. The National Asthma Education and Prevention Program has released the 2020 Asthma Guideline Update with updated evidence-based recommendations for tr...

    Clinical practice guidelines for the medical management of nonhospitalized ulcerative colitis: the Toronto consensus

    Gastroenterology; 148 (5), 2015
    BACKGROUND & AIMS:: The medical management of ulcerative colitis (UC) has improved through the development of new therapies and novel approaches that optimize existing drugs. Previous Canadian consensus guidelines addressed the management of severe UC in the hospitalized patient. We now present consensu...